Tag Archives: sunday league

Sunday League Rule Change

Here is a great blog from FA Level One coach Neil Brazier from Worcestershire


I know you are trying your best to encourage participation in Sunday League Football, but your methods are flawed. By introducing rolling substitutes to the Sunday League game you are actually hindering the game rather than helping it and here is my reasoning why.

1) By allowing 8 subs to be named but only allowing 5 of them to be used you are opening yourself up for a logistical nightmare. The referee will have to take extra vigilance to ensure only the five people are actually used and keep a stricter enforcement when substitutions are made.

2) You are taking away from the actual game of football. Everyone watches the Premier League and Match of the Day. You don’t see professional players rolling on and rolling off. Players all play FIFA on their games consoles, they want to recreate an authentic experience, they don’t want to be treated like children where this rule applies

Read Full blog @

Archived: Open Letter to Worcester FA and the Football Community